Embarking on these creative adventures is truly a magnificent experience.
Patreons you all will receive the video of behind the scenes with my very own language of money synchronization (link below).
On February 2, 2024, I went to have brunch with my kids. I had just shifted my reality at home from a very dire toxic situation to a more cleansing and clearing one. Then we decided to go have brunch. We enjoyed our meal and my daughter said let's walk to Starbucks which is less than a block away.
Coffee is my favorite "WHY NOT"?
As we were walking my daughter said she would have preferred the back side for shade, but we were already walking among the trees. It was like I was being guided in a certain direction. Kinda how my life simply is.
As I am walking halfway there on the floor there is a stone. Smooth palm-size stone, I felt this connection to it right away.
I said hey a gratitude rock and picked it up, dusted it off, and put it in my purse.
Then at Starbucks, there was a large pink stone that was painted and said Be the change.
Two different stones in less than a few minutes, some of you may call this a coincidence I call this
"The Language of Money".
Later I went home and I added some sigils for my Patreons and looking for a spell for my Free offer for The Language of Money class when I came to the magick of "The Manifesting Stone>
The book even says that normally you will find these universal magical instruments on your walks.
The book was sharing exactly what I had already encountered.
Why is this so very important?
In the Language of Money class through spirit, I share with you how to connect with money in such a way that you build a radiant relationship with her. She shows up in my life every single day. Sometimes she is a stone for me to work with and share the enchantment of this coincidence with you.
In the about week I have been connecting with my special manifesting stone so many beautiful outcomes have unravled right before me.
So that is the language of money.
It is when you can hear the little sparks in your life that connect you with the outcomes you desire.
It is how you break through the blocks of lack and flow into the energy and vibration of overflow and more than I could have ever dreamed of.
These messages come to us in ways that we understand because they are designed Just for us. I work with nature so therefore that i what I witness.
For you it can be entirely different and your size.
In my class, I teach you to work with words, phrases, vibrations, movements, and yes energetic rituals to be in the frequency of money.
It is a beautiful intricated design that flows to you and you do not have to hustle and become overwhelmed.
It simply is.
It simply happens.
You are simply connected.
Let me go further.
Through my connection with my manifesting stone. I have revamped my patreon added more magick, sparked some older posts, and gained so many new patreons that love what I am sharing with them.
I have realized that my six-week scripting class is beautiful and I am almost finished with my 48 scripting prompts which will also be a new scripting journal.
You will witness these miracles these blessings in your own life according to who you are what you do and what you desire.
I have received my intention of creating classes and sharing my spiritual wisdom for more pay and less work.
I have gone from having to do 22 rituals on Venus Friday to having an exclusive few on calls that I can dedicate time and energy to their altar and energy work.
Focus more on my leisure and time with my family which is my bliss.
I can have a 60-hour work but it doesn't feel like work because I love what I do.
Then take a whole month off and relax.
I can wake up at noon and go to sleep at 2 a.m. because it is what I want.
Here I am working but I am relaxing on my couch next to my beloved pet and sharing with you how you can too live your bliss.
You too can have whatever you desire now.
I truly hope to see you in "The Language of Money" class.
To receive a taste of the magick I am offering a free Intro and a free energy ritual for you to jumpstart and manifest some fast cash.
But for those of you serious about having a connection with money take the leap of faith and start the class now.
It will open on the 9th of February. I look forward to seeing you all there.
Happy Manifesting
Daisy Rose