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Mystic Angel

The way of Wealth.

I just finished sending an amazing offer to a few exclusive supporters. The offer was for my Language of Money class with The Super Manifesting class, a 30-minute wealth call, one script and to be part of my Wealth Alter that is LIVE while I am co-creating the class.

The class will be live for March and then I have a relaunch in May but this offer will not be available in the Re-launch.

You see I sat with spirit and said HEY my class is $555.55 shit is crazy tight right now. People are living in fear because the news and social media have everyone in a panic. What can I do for money circulation online friends (See how the language of money has even changed what I used to say prior). Spirit replied "Make it worth their WHILE and their POCKET. So I sat and said I would create an offer that they CAN DO, an offer to create some crazy shifts in their reality. An offer that if they were to pay for everything individually would be close to a GRAND $$$$$$.

But like all things, they must come to a close, so this Offer is only open from March 4, through March 7, 2024. NOW If you want it but you don't get paid til X date or whatever works for you message me and let me know.

"Hey Daisy I want in but I don't get paid til March 11, 2024."

Below I have shared the Exclusive email I sent to my amazing exclusive money circulation circle.

And once we start unraveling in the class I HAVE A LIVE surprise JUST for CLASS participants.

Thank you for sharing with me and subscribing to my webpage. Enjoy the letter below and let me know what you think.

I love to hear your ideas and stories.


Hello beauty thank you for reading my email. It always makes me very happy to hear from you. 

When you reply even to say Hi that just makes my day. You are amazing and I know you are busy. Taking your precious time to send me a response just makes my day.

After a lot of consideration and pushing things here and there I am writing exclusively to you with this amazing offer. 

You know I just Launched my "Language of Money" class. We have about five modules now and the funnest has to be winnings in the lottery. I do not play and I have won so many lottery tickets it has blown me away. I know I know well How much did you win?. Nothing too Grand YET!!!! Just a few hundred. But I haven't won anything in the lottery before like this. I can't even remember. I remember a Betty Boop scratch-off where I won like $180 but this was like in the 90s. This is why I know that what I am sharing with you IS VERY real. We even had to add a lottery winnings record printable.


For one I do the work as well because just like you I am trying to manifest some BIG CASH and a JOYFUL way of life.

Not to mention MY GOAL is to be fully retired by 55. I have a plan friend. I know you do too. 

So I want to Make sure YOU HAVE EVERYTHING you need to Manifest some cash. Not the just barely enough to pay your bills But the more than what to do with SUM!


Before I share my offer exclusive to you. Let me share with you my favorite pastime this past year of 2023. I was on the Disney Ferry with my three granddaughters, we were resort hopping for pin trading, enjoyed the pool, and some delicious beignets From The French Quarter. I had about $1,200 to splurge with my Girls. I felt so wealthy, that I was able to buy them what they wanted. Share some yummy food and the best part create a memory I can rejoice in over and over. 

That is what I am offering you with this class. The Language of Money" is the way we speak in the frequency of cash flow. It is how wealth aligns with you in your reality. Instead of you chasing the cash you are bringing the sums into your banks, mail, or in unexpected ways like lottery numbers that you play coming out.


My offer:

The class is $555.55 it is in the language of money because 555 means prosperity. The class is growing with new modules, workbooks, videos, and Audios rituals to bring in the cash to your reality.

You see we have been taught we need to go get the cash, instead we need to allow the cash to come to you by singing the song that cash loves to dance to in your reality.


I know 555. seems a little much but it is all energy it is a frequency and it is in your own mindful vibration to create the movement to invest in your wealth. You are doing this for you because you deserve It and you know it will create the changes you desire. 

See the rich think in investments, even when they go shopping they will shop in stores and businesses that they own shares in.

Give me $2,000 and I am investing in my businesses. That is how the rich think.

Here is the best part of my offer.

YOU are of course getting the Language of Money class, but you are also getting my Super Manifesting class to clear all those blocks and inner clutter. The Super Manifesting class can be used for any area of your life.

Weight loss, Romance, relationships, and everything in between.


Then the icing on the cake is a 30-minute call with me. In this call, we will talk about your Wealth Goal as I will add it to my Ongoing Wealth Alter that I have created JUST for this class. And after the call, I will send you your very own Wealth Script. You see you have no other choice but to be in alignment with wealth because I am doing every possible thing to make sure this is possible.


That is an offer if SOLD all separately worth of approx $977.55

If you purchase through Etsy it will be more pricey due to Etsy outrageous fees but you can use Klarna. If you pay through PayPal it will be Just the $555.55.


I look forward to creating our GREAT Wealth STORIES together.

I truly hope to see you there beautiful. You are one of my favorites. 

Happy New Moon

with Love 

Daisy Rose.


PS let me know if you want PayPal so I can invoice you there.

Thanks again.

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