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Scripting true romance your soulmate into existence workbook A approx 30 pages and video.

I create new manifesting classes every month.

You asked me to share my workbooks, which is my promise.

The workbook has its video with time slots to use anytime and as often as needed.

I recommend you split the work into ten days minimum and 30 days maximum.


Everyone that uses my classes manifests because we engage and interact. We use a moon cycle to shift the vibration and our reality.

With these workbooks, you have to promise to do the work.

Simply download and print.

I will soon add the workbooks to AMAZON, so you can purchase them no matter when you are.

For now, it is a file so anyone and everyone can access the workbooks and classes.


This workbook is a fraction of the magick we co-created in CLASS A of the 21 days of manifesting through scripting.

In this class, you will be doing some shadow work,' healing, and re-scripting what occurred to change the energy and your reality.

Among the different prompts and exercises, you will engage in to witness great success in your life.


Manifesting through scripting is a foolproof manifesting ritual.

EVERYONE, I TEACH these powerful magical vibrations, physical and spiritual exercise MANIFEST!!!!

You can achieve greatness in your life as well.

I advise you to become a member of my webpage, as when I share the upcoming live classes, you will be notified, and those classes are the most powerful!


Thank you for all your love and support.

Daisy Rose












Scripting true love Workbook A

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